Class Description

An electromechanical device that operates with shaft rotating synchronously with the network. It is a single machine operating either as a generator or synchronous condenser or pump.


Name Type Description
aVRToManualLag Seconds Time delay required when switching from Automatic Voltage Regulation (AVR) to Manual for a lagging MVAr violation.
aVRToManualLead Seconds Time delay required when switching from Automatic Voltage Regulation (AVR) to Manual for a leading MVAr violation.
baseQ ReactivePower Default base reactive power value. This value represents the initial reactive power that can be used by any application function.
condenserP ActivePower Active power consumed when in condenser mode operation.
coolantCondition Float Temperature or pressure of coolant medium.
coolantType CoolantType Method of cooling the machine.
earthing Boolean Indicates whether or not the generator is earthed. Used for short circuit data exchange according to IEC 60909.
earthingStarPointR Resistance Generator star point earthing resistance (Re). Used for short circuit data exchange according to IEC 60909.
earthingStarPointX Reactance Generator star point earthing reactance (Xe). Used for short circuit data exchange according to IEC 60909.
ikk CurrentFlow Steady-state short-circuit current (in A for the profile) of generator with compound excitation during 3-phase short circuit.
- Ikk=0: Generator with no compound excitation.
- Ikk<>0: Generator with compound excitation.
Ikk is used to calculate the minimum steady-state short-circuit current for generators with compound excitation.
( in IEC 60909-0:2001).
Used only for single fed short circuit on a generator. ( in IEC 60909-0:2001).
manualToAVR Seconds Time delay required when switching from Manual to Automatic Voltage Regulation. This value is used in the accelerating power reference frame for powerflow solutions.
maxQ ReactivePower Maximum reactive power limit. This is the maximum (nameplate) limit for the unit.
maxU Voltage Maximum voltage limit for the unit.
minQ ReactivePower Minimum reactive power limit for the unit.
minU Voltage Minimum voltage limit for the unit.
mu Float Factor to calculate the breaking current (Section in IEC 60909-0).
Used only for single fed short circuit on a generator (Section in IEC 60909-0).
operatingMode SynchronousMachineOperatingMode Current mode of operation.
qPercent PerCent Part of the coordinated reactive control that comes from this machine. The attribute is used as a participation factor not necessarily summing up to 100% for the participating devices in the control.
r Resistance Equivalent resistance (RG) of generator. RG is considered for the calculation of all currents, except for the calculation of the peak current ip. Used for short circuit data exchange according to IEC 60909.
r0 Resistance Zero sequence resistance of the synchronous machine.
r2 Resistance Negative sequence resistance.
referencePriority Integer Priority of unit for use as powerflow voltage phase angle reference bus selection. 0 = don t care (default) 1 = highest priority. 2 is less than 1 and so on.
satDirectSubtransX PU Direct-axis subtransient reactance saturated, also known as Xd"sat.
satDirectSyncX PU Direct-axes saturated synchronous reactance (xdsat); reciprocal of short-circuit ration. Used for short circuit data exchange, only for single fed short circuit on a generator. ( in IEC 60909-0:2001).
satDirectTransX PU Saturated Direct-axis transient reactance. The attribute is primarily used for short circuit calculations according to ANSI.
shortCircuitRotorType ShortCircuitRotorKind Type of rotor, used by short circuit applications, only for single fed short circuit according to IEC 60909.
type SynchronousMachineKind Modes that this synchronous machine can operate in.
voltageRegulationRange PerCent Range of generator voltage regulation (PG in IEC 60909-0) used for calculation of the impedance correction factor KG defined in IEC 60909-0.
This attribute is used to describe the operating voltage of the generating unit.
x0 Reactance Zero sequence reactance of the synchronous machine.
x2 Reactance Negative sequence reactance.


Inherits from

Descendant classes

  • No descendant classes

Leaf/Root class

IsLeaf IsRoot
False False


Source Class Cardinality Source Target Class Cardinality Target Source Name Source Assoc. Description Target Name Target Assoc. Description
ReactiveCapabilityCurve 0..* SynchronousMachine 1..* ReactiveCapabilityCurves All available reactive capability curves for this synchronous machine. SynchronousMachines Synchronous machines using this curve.
ReactiveCapabilityCurve 0..1 SynchronousMachine 1..* InitialReactiveCapabilityCurve The default reactive capability curve for use by a synchronous machine. InitiallyUsedBySynchronousMachines Synchronous machines using this curve as default.
PrimeMover 0..* SynchronousMachine 0..* PrimeMovers Prime movers that drive this SynchronousMachine. SynchronousMachines Synchronous machines this Prime mover drives.
SynchronousMachineDynamics 0..1 SynchronousMachine 1 SynchronousMachineDynamics Synchronous machine dynamics model used to describe dynamic behaviour of this synchronous machine. SynchronousMachine Synchronous machine to which synchronous machine dynamics model applies.