Class Description

A generic device designed to close, or open, or both, one or more electric circuits. All switches are two terminal devices including grounding switches. The ACDCTerminal.connected at the two sides of the switch shall not be considered for assessing switch connectivity, i.e. only, .normalOpen and .locked are relevant.


Name Type Description
locked Boolean If true, the switch is locked. The resulting switch state is a combination of locked and attributes as follows:
  • locked=true and The resulting state is open and locked;
  • locked=false and The resulting state is open;
  • locked=false and The resulting state is closed.
  • normalOpen Boolean The attribute is used in cases when no Measurement for the status value is present. If the Switch has a status measurement the Discrete.normalValue is expected to match with the Switch.normalOpen.
    open Boolean The attribute tells if the switch is considered open when used as input to topology processing.
    ratedCurrent CurrentFlow The maximum continuous current carrying capacity in amps governed by the device material and construction.
    The attribute shall be a positive value.
    retained Boolean Branch is retained in the topological solution. The flow through retained switches will normally be calculated in power flow.
    switchOnCount Integer The switch on count since the switch was last reset or initialized.
    switchOnDate DateTime The date and time when the switch was last switched on.


    Inherits from

    Descendant classes

    Leaf/Root class

    IsLeaf IsRoot
    False False


    Source Class Cardinality Source Target Class Cardinality Target Source Name Source Assoc. Description Target Name Target Assoc. Description
    CompositeSwitch 0..1 Switch 0..* CompositeSwitch Composite switch to which this Switch belongs. Switches Switches contained in this Composite switch.
    Switch 1 SwitchPhase 0..* Switch The switch of the switch phase. SwitchPhase The individual switch phases for the switch.
    Switch 1 SwitchSchedule 0..* Switch A SwitchSchedule is associated with a Switch. SwitchSchedules A Switch can be associated with SwitchSchedules.
    SvSwitch 0..* Switch 1 SvSwitch The switch state associated with the switch. Switch The switch associated with the switch state.
    UnavailabilitySwitchAction 0..* Switch 1
    SwitchAction 0..1 Switch 0..1 SwitchAction Action changing status of this switch. OperatedSwitch Switch that is the object of this switch action.
    ConnectDisconnectFunction 0..* Switch 0..* ConnectDisconnectFunctions Switches