Class Description

A connection to the AC network for energy production or consumption that uses power electronics rather than rotating machines.


Name Type Description
maxIFault PU Maximum fault current this device will contribute, in per-unit of rated current, before the converter protection will trip or bypass.
maxQ ReactivePower Maximum reactive power limit. This is the maximum (nameplate) limit for the unit.
minQ ReactivePower Minimum reactive power limit for the unit. This is the minimum (nameplate) limit for the unit.
p ActivePower Active power injection. Load sign convention is used, i.e. positive sign means flow out from a node.
Starting value for a steady state solution.
q ReactivePower Reactive power injection. Load sign convention is used, i.e. positive sign means flow out from a node.
Starting value for a steady state solution.
r Resistance Equivalent resistance (RG) of generator. RG is considered for the calculation of all currents, except for the calculation of the peak current ip. Used for short circuit data exchange according to IEC 60909.
r0 Resistance Zero sequence resistance of the synchronous machine.
ratedS ApparentPower Nameplate apparent power rating for the unit.
The attribute shall have a positive value.
ratedU Voltage Rated voltage (nameplate data, Ur in IEC 60909-0). It is primarily used for short circuit data exchange according to IEC 60909.
The attribute shall be a positive value.
rn Resistance Negative sequence Thevenin resistance.
x Reactance Positive sequence Thevenin reactance.
x0 Reactance Zero sequence Thevenin reactance.
xn Reactance Negative sequence Thevenin reactance.


Inherits from

Descendant classes

  • No descendant classes

Leaf/Root class

IsLeaf IsRoot
False False


Source Class Cardinality Source Target Class Cardinality Target Source Name Source Assoc. Description Target Name Target Assoc. Description
PowerElectronicsConnection 1 PowerElectronicsConnectionPhase 0..* PowerElectronicsConnection Power electronics connection of this power electronics connection phase. PowerElectronicsConnectionPhase The individual phases models for the power electronics connection.
PowerElectronicsConnection 1 PowerElectronicsUnit 0..* PowerElectronicsConnection A power electronics unit has a connection to the AC network. PowerElectronicsUnit An AC network connection may have several power electronics units connecting through it.
WindTurbineType3or4Dynamics 0..1 PowerElectronicsConnection 1 WindTurbineType3or4Dynamics The wind turbine type 3 or type 4 dynamics model associated with this power electronics connection. PowerElectronicsConnection The power electronics connection associated with this wind turbine type 3 or type 4 dynamics model.