Class Description

Impedance and conductance matrix element values.
The diagonal elements are described by the elements having the same toPhase and fromPhase value and the off diagonal elements have different toPhase and fromPhase values. The matrix can also be stored in symmetric lower triangular format using the row and column attributes, which map to ACLineSegmentPhase.sequenceNumber.


Name Type Description
b SusceptancePerLength Susceptance matrix element value, per length of unit.
column Integer The matrix element’s column number, in the range 1 to row. Only the lower triangle needs to be stored. This column number matches ACLineSegmentPhase.sequenceNumber.
fromPhase SinglePhaseKind Refer to the class description.
g ConductancePerLength Conductance matrix element value, per length of unit.
r ResistancePerLength Resistance matrix element value, per length of unit.
row Integer The matrix element’s row number, in the range 1 to PerLengthPhaseImpedance.conductorCount. Only the lower triangle needs to be stored. This row number matches ACLineSegmentPhase.sequenceNumber.
toPhase SinglePhaseKind Refer to the class description.
x ReactancePerLength Reactance matrix element value, per length of unit.


Inherits from

  • None

Descendant classes

  • No descendant classes

Leaf/Root class

IsLeaf IsRoot
False False


Source Class Cardinality Source Target Class Cardinality Target Source Name Source Assoc. Description Target Name Target Assoc. Description
PerLengthPhaseImpedance 1 PhaseImpedanceData 1..* PhaseImpedance Conductor phase impedance to which this data belongs. PhaseImpedanceData All data that belong to this conductor phase impedance.