Class Description

This class represents the zero sequence line mutual coupling.


Name Type Description
b0ch Susceptance Zero sequence mutual coupling shunt (charging) susceptance, uniformly distributed, of the entire line section.
distance11 Length Distance to the start of the coupled region from the first line’s terminal having sequence number equal to 1.
distance12 Length Distance to the end of the coupled region from the first line’s terminal with sequence number equal to 1.
distance21 Length Distance to the start of coupled region from the second line’s terminal with sequence number equal to 1.
distance22 Length Distance to the end of coupled region from the second line’s terminal with sequence number equal to 1.
g0ch Conductance Zero sequence mutual coupling shunt (charging) conductance, uniformly distributed, of the entire line section.
r0 Resistance Zero sequence branch-to-branch mutual impedance coupling, resistance.
x0 Reactance Zero sequence branch-to-branch mutual impedance coupling, reactance.


Inherits from

Descendant classes

  • No descendant classes

Leaf/Root class

IsLeaf IsRoot
False False


Source Class Cardinality Source Target Class Cardinality Target Source Name Source Assoc. Description Target Name Target Assoc. Description
MutualCoupling 0..* Terminal 1 HasFirstMutualCoupling Mutual couplings associated with the branch as the first branch. First_Terminal The starting terminal for the calculation of distances along the first branch of the mutual coupling. Normally MutualCoupling would only be used for terminals of AC line segments. The first and second terminals of a mutual coupling should point to different AC line segments.
MutualCoupling 0..* Terminal 1 HasSecondMutualCoupling Mutual couplings with the branch associated as the first branch. Second_Terminal The starting terminal for the calculation of distances along the second branch of the mutual coupling.