Class Description

A rotating machine whose shaft rotates asynchronously with the electrical field. Also known as an induction machine with no external connection to the rotor windings, e.g. squirrel-cage induction machine.


Name Type Description
asynchronousMachineType AsynchronousMachineKind Indicates the type of Asynchronous Machine (motor or generator).
converterFedDrive Boolean Indicates whether the machine is a converter fed drive. Used for short circuit data exchange according to IEC 60909.
efficiency PerCent Efficiency of the asynchronous machine at nominal operation as a percentage. Indicator for converter drive motors. Used for short circuit data exchange according to IEC 60909.
iaIrRatio Float Ratio of locked-rotor current to the rated current of the motor (Ia/Ir). Used for short circuit data exchange according to IEC 60909.
nominalFrequency Frequency Nameplate data indicates if the machine is 50 Hz or 60 Hz.
nominalSpeed RotationSpeed Nameplate data. Depends on the slip and number of pole pairs.
polePairNumber Integer Number of pole pairs of stator. Used for short circuit data exchange according to IEC 60909.
ratedMechanicalPower ActivePower Rated mechanical power (Pr in IEC 60909-0). Used for short circuit data exchange according to IEC 60909.
reversible Boolean Indicates for converter drive motors if the power can be reversible. Used for short circuit data exchange according to IEC 60909.
rr1 Resistance Damper 1 winding resistance.
rr2 Resistance Damper 2 winding resistance.
rxLockedRotorRatio Float Locked rotor ratio (R/X). Used for short circuit data exchange according to IEC 60909.
tpo Seconds Transient rotor time constant (greater than tppo).
tppo Seconds Sub-transient rotor time constant (greater than 0).
xlr1 Reactance Damper 1 winding leakage reactance.
xlr2 Reactance Damper 2 winding leakage reactance.
xm Reactance Magnetizing reactance.
xp Reactance Transient reactance (unsaturated) (greater than or equal to xpp).
xpp Reactance Sub-transient reactance (unsaturated).
xs Reactance Synchronous reactance (greater than xp).


Inherits from

Descendant classes

  • No descendant classes

Leaf/Root class

IsLeaf IsRoot
False False


Source Class Cardinality Source Target Class Cardinality Target Source Name Source Assoc. Description Target Name Target Assoc. Description
AsynchronousMachineDynamics 0..1 AsynchronousMachine 1 AsynchronousMachineDynamics Asynchronous machine dynamics model used to describe dynamic behaviour of this asynchronous machine. AsynchronousMachine Asynchronous machine to which this asynchronous machine dynamics model applies.