Class Description

For a detailed substation model a topological node is a set of connectivity nodes that, in the current network state, are connected together through any type of closed switches, including jumpers. Topological nodes change as the current network state changes (i.e., switches, breakers, etc. change state).
For a planning model, switch statuses are not used to form topological nodes. Instead they are manually created or deleted in a model builder tool. Topological nodes maintained this way are also called “busses”.


Name Type Description
pInjection ActivePower The active power injected into the bus at this location in addition to injections from equipment. Positive sign means injection into the TopologicalNode (bus).
Starting value for a steady state solution.
qInjection ReactivePower The reactive power injected into the bus at this location in addition to injections from equipment. Positive sign means injection into the TopologicalNode (bus).
Starting value for a steady state solution.


Inherits from

Descendant classes

  • No descendant classes

Leaf/Root class

IsLeaf IsRoot
False False


Source Class Cardinality Source Target Class Cardinality Target Source Name Source Assoc. Description Target Name Target Assoc. Description
ConnectivityNode 0..* TopologicalNode 0..1 ConnectivityNodes The connectivity nodes combine together to form this topological node. May depend on the current state of switches in the network. TopologicalNode The topological node to which this connectivity node is assigned. May depend on the current state of switches in the network.
Terminal 0..* TopologicalNode 0..1 Terminal The terminals associated with the topological node. This can be used as an alternative to the connectivity node path to terminal, thus making it unnecessary to model connectivity nodes in some cases. Note that if connectivity nodes are in the model, this association would probably not be used as an input specification. TopologicalNode The topological node associated with the terminal. This can be used as an alternative to the connectivity node path to topological node, thus making it unnecessary to model connectivity nodes in some cases. Note that the if connectivity nodes are in the model, this association would probably not be used as an input specification.
BusNameMarker 0..* TopologicalNode 0..1 BusNameMarker BusnameMarkers that may refer to a pre defined TopologicalNode. TopologicalNode A user defined topological node that was originally defined in a planning model not yet having topology described by ConnectivityNodes. Once ConnectivityNodes has been created they may linked to user defined ToplogicalNdes using BusNameMarkers.
TopologicalIsland 0..1 TopologicalNode 0..1 AngleRefTopologicalIsland The island for which the node is an angle reference. Normally there is one angle reference node for each island. AngleRefTopologicalNode The angle reference for the island. Normally there is one TopologicalNode that is selected as the angle reference for each island. Other reference schemes exist, so the association is typically optional.
TopologicalNode 0..* BaseVoltage 0..1 TopologicalNode The topological nodes at the base voltage. BaseVoltage The base voltage of the topological node.
TopologicalNode 0..* ConnectivityNodeContainer 0..1 TopologicalNode The topological nodes which belong to this connectivity node container. ConnectivityNodeContainer The connectivity node container to which the topological node belongs.
TopologicalNode 0..* ReportingGroup 0..1 TopologicalNode The topological nodes that belong to the reporting group. ReportingGroup The reporting group to which the topological node belongs.
TopologicalNode 1..* TopologicalIsland 0..1 TopologicalNodes A topological node belongs to a topological island. TopologicalIsland A topological node belongs to a topological island.
SvInjection 0..* TopologicalNode 1 SvInjection The injection flows state variables associated with the topological node. TopologicalNode The topological node associated with the flow injection state variable.
SvVoltage 0..* TopologicalNode 1 SvVoltage The state voltage associated with the topological node. TopologicalNode The topological node associated with the voltage state.