Class Description

Analog represents an analog Measurement.


Name Type Description
maxValue Float Normal value range maximum for any of the MeasurementValue.values. Used for scaling, e.g. in bar graphs or of telemetered raw values.
minValue Float Normal value range minimum for any of the MeasurementValue.values. Used for scaling, e.g. in bar graphs or of telemetered raw values.
normalValue Float Normal measurement value, e.g., used for percentage calculations.
positiveFlowIn Boolean If true then this measurement is an active power, reactive power or current with the convention that a positive value measured at the Terminal means power is flowing into the related PowerSystemResource.


Inherits from

Descendant classes

Leaf/Root class

IsLeaf IsRoot
False False


Source Class Cardinality Source Target Class Cardinality Target Source Name Source Assoc. Description Target Name Target Assoc. Description
Analog 0..* AnalogLimitSet 0..* Measurements The Measurements using the LimitSet. LimitSets A measurement may have zero or more limit ranges defined for it.
Analog 1 AnalogValue 0..* Analog Measurement to which this value is connected. AnalogValues The values connected to this measurement.