Class Description

Steam turbine.


Name Type Description
crossoverTC Seconds Crossover time constant.
reheater1TC Seconds First reheater time constant.
reheater2TC Seconds Second reheater time constant.
shaft1PowerHP Float Fraction of power from shaft 1 high pressure turbine output.
shaft1PowerIP Float Fraction of power from shaft 1 intermediate pressure turbine output.
shaft1PowerLP1 Float Fraction of power from shaft 1 first low pressure turbine output.
shaft1PowerLP2 Float Fraction of power from shaft 1 second low pressure turbine output.
shaft2PowerHP Float Fraction of power from shaft 2 high pressure turbine output.
shaft2PowerIP Float Fraction of power from shaft 2 intermediate pressure turbine output.
shaft2PowerLP1 Float Fraction of power from shaft 2 first low pressure turbine output.
shaft2PowerLP2 Float Fraction of power from shaft 2 second low pressure turbine output.
steamChestTC Seconds Steam chest time constant.


Inherits from

Descendant classes

  • No descendant classes

Leaf/Root class

IsLeaf IsRoot
False False


Source Class Cardinality Source Target Class Cardinality Target Source Name Source Assoc. Description Target Name Target Assoc. Description
SteamSupply 0..* SteamTurbine 0..* SteamSupplys Steam turbines may have steam supplied by a steam supply. SteamTurbines Steam turbines may have steam supplied by a steam supply.