Class Description

This class represents equivalent injections (generation or load). Voltage regulation is allowed only at the point of connection.


Name Type Description
maxP ActivePower Maximum active power of the injection.
maxQ ReactivePower Maximum reactive power of the injection. Used for modelling of infeed for load flow exchange. Not used for short circuit modelling. If maxQ and minQ are not used ReactiveCapabilityCurve can be used.
minP ActivePower Minimum active power of the injection.
minQ ReactivePower Minimum reactive power of the injection. Used for modelling of infeed for load flow exchange. Not used for short circuit modelling. If maxQ and minQ are not used ReactiveCapabilityCurve can be used.
p ActivePower Equivalent active power injection. Load sign convention is used, i.e. positive sign means flow out from a node.
Starting value for steady state solutions.
q ReactivePower Equivalent reactive power injection. Load sign convention is used, i.e. positive sign means flow out from a node.
Starting value for steady state solutions.
r Resistance Positive sequence resistance. Used to represent Extended-Ward (IEC 60909).
Usage : Extended-Ward is a result of network reduction prior to the data exchange.
r0 Resistance Zero sequence resistance. Used to represent Extended-Ward (IEC 60909).
Usage : Extended-Ward is a result of network reduction prior to the data exchange.
r2 Resistance Negative sequence resistance. Used to represent Extended-Ward (IEC 60909).
Usage : Extended-Ward is a result of network reduction prior to the data exchange.
regulationCapability Boolean Specifies whether or not the EquivalentInjection has the capability to regulate the local voltage. If true the EquivalentInjection can regulate. If false the EquivalentInjection cannot regulate. ReactiveCapabilityCurve can only be associated with EquivalentInjection if the flag is true.
regulationStatus Boolean Specifies the regulation status of the EquivalentInjection. True is regulating. False is not regulating.
regulationTarget Voltage The target voltage for voltage regulation. The attribute shall be a positive value.
x Reactance Positive sequence reactance. Used to represent Extended-Ward (IEC 60909).
Usage : Extended-Ward is a result of network reduction prior to the data exchange.
x0 Reactance Zero sequence reactance. Used to represent Extended-Ward (IEC 60909).
Usage : Extended-Ward is a result of network reduction prior to the data exchange.
x2 Reactance Negative sequence reactance. Used to represent Extended-Ward (IEC 60909).
Usage : Extended-Ward is a result of network reduction prior to the data exchange.


Inherits from

Descendant classes

  • No descendant classes

Leaf/Root class

IsLeaf IsRoot
False False


Source Class Cardinality Source Target Class Cardinality Target Source Name Source Assoc. Description Target Name Target Assoc. Description
ReactiveCapabilityCurve 0..1 EquivalentInjection 0..* ReactiveCapabilityCurve The reactive capability curve used by this equivalent injection. EquivalentInjection The equivalent injection using this reactive capability curve.