Class Description

The diagram being exchanged. The coordinate system is a standard Cartesian coordinate system and the orientation attribute defines the orientation. The initial view related attributes can be used to specify an initial view with the x,y coordinates of the diagonal points.


Name Type Description
orientation OrientationKind Coordinate system orientation of the diagram. A positive orientation gives standard “right-hand” orientation, with negative orientation indicating a “left-hand” orientation. For 2D diagrams, a positive orientation will result in X values increasing from left to right and Y values increasing from bottom to top. A negative orientation gives the “left-hand” orientation (favoured by computer graphics displays) with X values increasing from left to right and Y values increasing from top to bottom.
x1InitialView Float X coordinate of the first corner of the initial view.
x2InitialView Float X coordinate of the second corner of the initial view.
y1InitialView Float Y coordinate of the first corner of the initial view.
y2InitialView Float Y coordinate of the second corner of the initial view.


Inherits from

Descendant classes

  • No descendant classes

Leaf/Root class

IsLeaf IsRoot
False False


Source Class Cardinality Source Target Class Cardinality Target Source Name Source Assoc. Description Target Name Target Assoc. Description
DiagramObject 0..* Diagram 0..1 DiagramElements A diagram is made up of multiple diagram objects. Diagram A diagram object is part of a diagram.
DiagramStyle 0..1 Diagram 0..* DiagramStyle A Diagram may have a DiagramStyle. Diagram A DiagramStyle can be used by many Diagrams.