Class Description
A unit with valves for three phases, together with unit control equipment, essential protective and switching devices, DC storage capacitors, phase reactors and auxiliaries, if any, used for conversion.
Name | Type | Description |
baseS | ApparentPower | Base apparent power of the converter pole. The attribute shall be a positive value. |
idc | CurrentFlow | Converter DC current, also called Id. It is converter’s state variable, result from power flow. |
idleLoss | ActivePower | Active power loss in pole at no power transfer. It is converter’s configuration data used in power flow. The attribute shall be a positive value. |
maxP | ActivePower | Maximum active power limit. The value is overwritten by values of VsCapabilityCurve, if present. |
maxUdc | Voltage | The maximum voltage on the DC side at which the converter should operate. It is converter’s configuration data used in power flow. The attribute shall be a positive value. |
minP | ActivePower | Minimum active power limit. The value is overwritten by values of VsCapabilityCurve, if present. |
minUdc | Voltage | The minimum voltage on the DC side at which the converter should operate. It is converter’s configuration data used in power flow. The attribute shall be a positive value. |
numberOfValves | Integer | Number of valves in the converter. Used in loss calculations. |
p | ActivePower | Active power at the point of common coupling. Load sign convention is used, i.e. positive sign means flow out from a node. |
Starting value for a steady state solution in the case a simplified power flow model is used. | ||
poleLossP | ActivePower | The active power loss at a DC Pole |
= idleLoss + switchingLoss* | ||
For lossless operation Pdc=Pac. | ||
For rectifier operation with losses Pdc=Pac-lossP. | ||
For inverter operation with losses Pdc=Pac+lossP. | ||
It is converter’s state variable used in power flow. The attribute shall be a positive value. | ||
q | ReactivePower | Reactive power at the point of common coupling. Load sign convention is used, i.e. positive sign means flow out from a node. |
Starting value for a steady state solution in the case a simplified power flow model is used. | ||
ratedUdc | Voltage | Rated converter DC voltage, also called UdN. The attribute shall be a positive value. It is converter’s configuration data used in power flow. For instance a bipolar HVDC link with value 200 kV has a 400kV difference between the dc lines. |
resistiveLoss | Resistance | It is converter’s configuration data used in power flow. Refer to poleLossP. The attribute shall be a positive value. |
switchingLoss | ActivePowerPerCurrentFlow | Switching losses, relative to the base apparent power ‘baseS’. Refer to poleLossP. The attribute shall be a positive value. |
targetPpcc | ActivePower | Real power injection target in AC grid, at point of common coupling. Load sign convention is used, i.e. positive sign means flow out from a node. |
targetUdc | Voltage | Target value for DC voltage magnitude. The attribute shall be a positive value. |
uc | Voltage | Line-to-line converter voltage, the voltage at the AC side of the valve. It is converter’s state variable, result from power flow. The attribute shall be a positive value. |
udc | Voltage | Converter voltage at the DC side, also called Ud. It is converter’s state variable, result from power flow. The attribute shall be a positive value. |
valveU0 | Voltage | Valve threshold voltage, also called Uvalve. Forward voltage drop when the valve is conducting. Used in loss calculations, i.e. the switchLoss depend on numberOfValves * valveU0. |
Inherits from
Descendant classes
Leaf/Root class
IsLeaf | IsRoot |
False | False |
Source Class | Cardinality Source | Target Class | Cardinality Target | Source Name | Source Assoc. Description | Target Name | Target Assoc. Description |
ACDCConverter | 0..* | Terminal | 0..1 | ConverterDCSides | All converters' DC sides linked to this point of common coupling terminal. | PccTerminal | Point of common coupling terminal for this converter DC side. It is typically the terminal on the power transformer (or switch) closest to the AC network. |
ACDCConverterDCTerminal | 0..* | ACDCConverter | 1 | DCTerminals | A DC converter have DC converter terminals. A converter has two DC converter terminals. | DCConductingEquipment | A DC converter terminal belong to an DC converter. |