Class Description

The operating shift for a vendor during which the vendor may transact against the merchant’s account. It aggregates transactions and receipts during the shift and periodically debits a merchant account. The totals in vendor shift should always be the sum of totals aggregated in all cashier shifts that were open under the particular vendor shift.


Name Type Description
merchantDebitAmount Money The amount that is to be debited from the merchant account for this vendor shift. This amount reflects the sum(PaymentTransaction.transactionAmount).
posted Boolean If true, merchantDebitAmount has been debited from MerchantAccount; typically happens at the end of VendorShift when it closes.


Inherits from

Descendant classes

  • No descendant classes

Leaf/Root class

IsLeaf IsRoot
False False


Source Class Cardinality Source Target Class Cardinality Target Source Name Source Assoc. Description Target Name Target Assoc. Description
MerchantAccount 0..1 VendorShift 0..* MerchantAccount Merchant account this vendor shift periodically debits (based on aggregated transactions). VendorShifts All vendor shifts that operate on this merchant account.
Vendor 0..1 VendorShift 0..* Vendor Vendor that opens and owns this vendor shift. VendorShifts All vendor shifts opened and owned by this vendor.
VendorShift 0..1 Receipt 0..* VendorShift Vendor shift during which this receipt was recorded. Receipts All receipts recorded during this vendor shift.
VendorShift 0..1 Transaction 0..* VendorShift Vendor shift during which this transaction was recorded. Transactions All transactions recorded during this vendor shift.