Class Description

Tender is what is “offered” by the customer towards making a payment and is often more than the required payment (hence the need for ‘change’). The payment is thus that part of the Tender that goes towards settlement of a particular transaction.
Tender is modelled as an aggregation of Cheque and Card. Both these tender types can exist in a single tender bid thus ‘accountHolderName’ has to exist separately in each of Cheque and Card as each could have a different account holder name.


Name Type Description
amount Money Amount tendered by customer.
change Money Difference between amount tendered by customer and the amount charged by point of sale.
kind TenderKind Kind of tender from customer.


Inherits from

Descendant classes

  • No descendant classes

Leaf/Root class

IsLeaf IsRoot
False False


Source Class Cardinality Source Target Class Cardinality Target Source Name Source Assoc. Description Target Name Target Assoc. Description
Card 0..1 Tender 1 Card Card used to tender payment. Tender Payment tender this card is being used for.
Cheque 0..1 Tender 1 Cheque Cheque used to tender payment. Tender Payment tender the cheque is being used for.
Tender 1..* Receipt 1 Tenders All payments received in the form of tenders recorded by this receipt. Receipt Receipt that recorded this receiving of a payment in the form of tenders.