Class Description

Organisation that provides services to customers.


Name Type Description
issuerIdentificationNumber String Unique transaction reference prefix number issued to an entity by the International Organization for Standardization for the purpose of tagging onto electronic financial transactions, as defined in ISO/IEC 7812-1 and ISO/IEC 7812-2.
kind SupplierKind Kind of supplier.


Inherits from

Descendant classes

  • No descendant classes

Leaf/Root class

IsLeaf IsRoot
False False


Source Class Cardinality Source Target Class Cardinality Target Source Name Source Assoc. Description Target Name Target Assoc. Description
ServiceSupplier 1 CustomerAgreement 0..* ServiceSupplier Service supplier for this customer agreement. CustomerAgreements All customer agreements of this service supplier.
ServiceSupplier 0..1 UsagePoint 0..* ServiceSupplier ServiceSupplier (utility) utilising this usage point to deliver a service. UsagePoints All usage points this service supplier utilises to deliver a service.
ServiceSupplier 0..1 BankAccount 0..* ServiceSupplier ServiceSupplier that is owner of this BankAccount. BankAccounts All BackAccounts this ServiceSupplier owns.