Class Description

When present, a scalar conversion that needs to be applied to every IntervalReading.value contained in IntervalBlock. This conversion results in a new associated ReadingType, reflecting the true dimensions of IntervalReading values after the conversion.


Name Type Description
multiplyBeforeAdd Boolean Whether scalars should be applied before adding the ‘offset’.
offset Integer (if applicable) Offset to be added as well as multiplication using scalars.
scalarDenominator Integer (if scalar is rational number) When ‘IntervalReading.value’ is multiplied by ‘scalarNumerator’ and divided by this value, it causes a unit of measure conversion to occur, resulting in the ‘ReadingType.unit’.
scalarFloat Float (if scalar is floating number) When multiplied with ‘IntervalReading.value’, it causes a unit of measure conversion to occur, according to the ‘ReadingType.unit’.
scalarNumerator Integer (if scalar is integer or rational number) When the scalar is a simple integer, and this attribute is presented alone and multiplied with ‘IntervalReading.value’, it causes a unit of measure conversion to occur, resulting in the ‘ReadingType.unit’. It is never used in conjunction with ‘scalarFloat’, only with ‘scalarDenominator’.


Inherits from

  • None

Descendant classes

  • No descendant classes

Leaf/Root class

IsLeaf IsRoot
False False


Source Class Cardinality Source Target Class Cardinality Target Source Name Source Assoc. Description Target Name Target Assoc. Description
IntervalBlock 0..* PendingCalculation 0..1 IntervalBlocks All blocks of interval reading values to which this pending conversion applies. PendingCalculation Pending calculation to apply to interval reading values contained by this block (after which the resulting reading type is different than the original because it reflects the conversion result).
PendingCalculation 0..1 ReadingType 1 PendingCalculation Pending calculation that produced this reading type. ReadingType Reading type resulting from this pending conversion.