Class Description
Distribution capacitor bank control settings.
Name | Type | Description |
branchDirect | Integer | For VAR, amp, or power factor locally controlled shunt impedances, the flow direction: in, out. |
cellSize | ReactivePower | The size of the individual units that make up the bank. |
controlKind | ShuntImpedanceControlKind | Kind of control (if any). |
highVoltageOverride | PU | For locally controlled shunt impedances which have a voltage override feature, the high voltage override value. If the voltage is above this value, the shunt impedance will be turned off regardless of the other local controller settings. |
localControlKind | ShuntImpedanceLocalControlKind | Kind of local controller. |
localOffLevel | String | Upper control setting. |
localOnLevel | String | Lower control setting. |
localOverride | Boolean | True if the locally controlled capacitor has voltage override capability. |
lowVoltageOverride | PU | For locally controlled shunt impedances which have a voltage override feature, the low voltage override value. If the voltage is below this value, the shunt impedance will be turned on regardless of the other local controller settings. |
maxSwitchOperationCount | Integer | IdmsShuntImpedanceData.maxNumSwitchOps. |
normalOpen | Boolean | True if open is normal status for a fixed capacitor bank, otherwise normal status is closed. |
regBranch | String | For VAR, amp, or power factor locally controlled shunt impedances, the index of the regulation branch. |
regBranchEnd | Integer | For VAR, amp, or power factor locally controlled shunt impedances, the end of the branch that is regulated. The field has the following values: from side, to side, and tertiary (only if the branch is a transformer). |
regBranchKind | RegulationBranchKind | (For VAR, amp, or power factor locally controlled shunt impedances) Kind of regulation branch. |
sensingPhaseCode | PhaseCode | Phases that are measured for controlling the device. |
switchOperationCycle | Hours | Time interval between consecutive switching operations. |
vRegLineLine | Boolean | True if regulated voltages are measured line to line, otherwise they are measured line to ground. |
Inherits from
Descendant classes
- No descendant classes
Leaf/Root class
IsLeaf | IsRoot |
False | False |
Source Class | Cardinality Source | Target Class | Cardinality Target | Source Name | Source Assoc. Description | Target Name | Target Assoc. Description |
ShuntCompensatorInfo | 0..1 | ShuntCompensatorControl | 0..1 | ShuntCompensatorInfo | ShuntCompensatorControl |