Class Description

Information about a particular piece of (land) property such as its use. Ownership of the property may be determined through associations to Organisations and/or ErpPersons.


Name Type Description
demographicKind DemographicKind Demographics around the site.
externalRecordReference String Reference allocated by the governing organisation (such as municipality) to this piece of land that has a formal reference to Surveyor General’s records. The governing organisation is specified in associated Organisation.
kind LandPropertyKind Kind of (land) property, categorised according to its main functional use from the utility’s perspective.
status Status


Inherits from

Descendant classes

  • No descendant classes

Leaf/Root class

IsLeaf IsRoot
False False


Source Class Cardinality Source Target Class Cardinality Target Source Name Source Assoc. Description Target Name Target Assoc. Description
LandProperty 0..* Location 0..* LandProperties Locations The spatail description of a piece of property.
LandProperty 0..* AssetContainer 0..* LandProperties AssetContainers
LandProperty 1 PersonPropertyRole 0..* LandProperty ErpPersonRoles
LandProperty 1.. PropertyOrganisationRole 0..* LandProperty ErpOrganisationRoles
LandProperty 0..1 LocationGrant 0..* LandProperty Land property this location grant applies to. LocationGrants All location grants this land property has.
LandProperty 0..1 ErpSiteLevelData 0..* LandProperty ErpSiteLevelDatas
RightOfWay 0..* LandProperty 0..* RightOfWays All rights of way this land property has. LandProperties All land properties this right of way applies to.