Class Description

Temporary holding for load reduction attributes removed from RegisteredLoad. Use for future use case when developing the RegisteredDistributedResource specialized classes.


Name Type Description
maxBaseLoad ActivePower Maximum Base Load (MW), per Participating Load Resource
maxDeploymentTime Float Maximum Deployment time (seconds)
maxLoadRedTimesPerDay Integer Maximum Number of Daily Load Curtailments
maxLoadReduction ActivePower maximum load reduction
maxReductionTime Float Maxiimum Load Reduction Time (min), per Participating Load Resource
maxWeeklyDeployment Integer Maximum weekly deployments
minLoadReduction ActivePower Minimum MW for a load reduction (e.g., MW rating of a discrete pump.
This attribute may be used also in the LoadBid class. The reason that the attribute is also modeled in this class is that it is resource attribute and needs to be persistently stored.
minLoadReductionCost CostPerEnergyUnit minimum load reduction cost. Single number for the load
minLoadReductionInterval Float Shortest period load reduction shall be maintained before load can be restored to normal levels.
This attribute may be used also in the LoadBid class. The reason that the attribute is also modeled in this class is that it is resource attribute and needs to be persistently stored.
minReductionTime Float Minimum Load Reduction Time (min), per Participating Load Resource
minTimeBetLoadRed Float Shortest time that load shall be left at normal levels before a new load reduction.
This attribute may be used also in the LoadBid class. The reason that the attribute is also modeled in this class is that it is resource attribute and needs to be persistently stored.
reqNoticeTime Float Time period that is required from an order to reduce a load to the time that it takes to get to the minimum load reduction.
This attribute may be used also in the LoadBid class. The reason that the attribute is also modeled in this class is that it is resource attribute and needs to be persistently stored.


Inherits from

  • None

Descendant classes

  • No descendant classes

Leaf/Root class

IsLeaf IsRoot
False False

