Class Description

Bilateral transaction


Name Type Description
curtailTimeMax Integer Maximum curtailment time in number of trading intervals
curtailTimeMin Integer Minimum curtailment time in number of trading intervals
marketType String Market type (default=DA)
DA - Day Ahead
RT - Real Time
HA - Hour Ahead
purchaseTimeMax Integer Maximum purchase time in number of trading intervals
purchaseTimeMin Integer Minimum purchase time in number of trading intervals
scope String Transaction scope:
‘Internal’ (default)
totalTranChargeMax Money Maximum total transmission (congestion) charges in monetary units
transactionType String Transaction type (default 1)
1 - Fixed
2 - Dispatchable continuous
3 - Dispatchable block-loading


Inherits from

  • None

Descendant classes

  • No descendant classes

Leaf/Root class

IsLeaf IsRoot
False False

