Class Description

A cloud-to-ground lightning strike at a particular location.


Name Type Description
errorEllipseConfidence PerCent Likelihood that strike fell within errorEllipse.
errorEllipseMajorSemiAxis Length Length of major semi-axis (longest radius) of the error ellipse.
errorEllipseMinorSemiAxis Length Length of minor semi-axis (shortest radius) of the error ellipse.
errorEllipseOrientation Bearing The orientation of the major semi- axis in degrees from True North.
negativePolarity Boolean The polarity of the strike, with T meaning negative. About 90% of all lightning strokes are negative strokes, meaning that they were initiated by a large concentration of negative charge in the cloud-base; this tends to induce an area of positive charge on the ground.
peakAmplitude CurrentFlow Peak current of strike.


Inherits from

Descendant classes

  • No descendant classes

Leaf/Root class

IsLeaf IsRoot
False False

