Class Description

Simplified steam turbine governor.


Name Type Description
k1 PU One / PU regulation (K1).
k2 PU Fraction (K2).
k3 PU Fraction (K3).
mwbase ActivePower Base for power values (MWbase) (> 0). Unit = MW.
pmax PU Upper power limit (Pmax) (> GovSteamSGO.pmin).
pmin Seconds Lower power limit (Pmin) (>= 0 and < GovSteamSGO.pmax).
t1 Seconds Controller lag (T1) (>= 0).
t2 Seconds Controller lead compensation (T2) (>= 0).
t3 Seconds Governor lag (T3) (> 0).
t4 Seconds Delay due to steam inlet volumes associated with steam chest and inlet piping (T4) (>= 0).
t5 Seconds Reheater delay including hot and cold leads (T5) (>= 0).
t6 Seconds Delay due to IP-LP turbine, crossover pipes and LP end hoods (T6) (>= 0).


Inherits from

Descendant classes

  • No descendant classes

Leaf/Root class

IsLeaf IsRoot
False False

