Class Description

IEEE simplified hydro governor-turbine model. Used for mechanical-hydraulic and electro-hydraulic turbine governors, with or without steam feedback. Typical values given are for mechanical-hydraulic turbine-governor.
Reference: IEEE Transactions on Power Apparatus and Systems, November/December 1973, Volume PAS-92, Number 6, Dynamic Models for Steam and Hydro Turbines in Power System Studies, page 1904.


Name Type Description
k PU Governor gain (K).
mwbase ActivePower Base for power values (MWbase) (> 0). Unit = MW.
pmax PU Gate maximum (Pmax) (> GovHydroIEEE0.pmin).
pmin PU Gate minimum (Pmin) (< GovHydroIEEE.pmax).
t1 Seconds Governor lag time constant (T1) (>= 0). Typical value = 0,25.
t2 Seconds Governor lead time constant (T2) (>= 0). Typical value = 0.
t3 Seconds Gate actuator time constant (T3) (>= 0). Typical value = 0,1.
t4 Seconds Water starting time (T4) (>= 0).


Inherits from

Descendant classes

  • No descendant classes

Leaf/Root class

IsLeaf IsRoot
False False

