Class Description

Modified IEEE hydro governor-turbine. This model differs from that defined in the IEEE modelling guideline paper in that the limits on gate position and velocity do not permit “wind up” of the upstream signals.


Name Type Description
at PU Turbine gain (At) (>0). Typical value = 1,2.
db1 Frequency Intentional dead-band width (db1). Unit = Hz. Typical value = 0.
db2 ActivePower Unintentional dead-band (db2). Unit = MW. Typical value = 0.
dturb PU Turbine damping factor (Dturb). Typical value = 0,2.
eps Frequency Intentional db hysteresis (eps). Unit = Hz. Typical value = 0.
governorControl Boolean Governor control flag (Cflag).
true = PID control is active
false = double derivative control is active.
Typical value = true.
gv1 PU Nonlinear gain point 1, PU gv (Gv1). Typical value = 0.
gv2 PU Nonlinear gain point 2, PU gv (Gv2). Typical value = 0.
gv3 PU Nonlinear gain point 3, PU gv (Gv3). Typical value = 0.
gv4 PU Nonlinear gain point 4, PU gv (Gv4). Typical value = 0.
gv5 PU Nonlinear gain point 5, PU gv (Gv5). Typical value = 0.
gv6 PU Nonlinear gain point 6, PU gv (Gv6). Typical value = 0.
h0 PU Turbine nominal head (H0). Typical value = 1.
k1 PU Derivative gain (K1). Typical value = 0,01.
k2 PU Double derivative gain, if Cflag = -1 (K2). Typical value = 2,5.
kg PU Gate servo gain (Kg). Typical value = 2.
ki PU Integral gain (Ki). Typical value = 0,5.
mwbase ActivePower Base for power values (MWbase) (> 0). Unit = MW.
pgv1 PU Nonlinear gain point 1, PU power (Pgv1). Typical value = 0.
pgv2 PU Nonlinear gain point 2, PU power (Pgv2). Typical value = 0.
pgv3 PU Nonlinear gain point 3, PU power (Pgv3). Typical value = 0.
pgv4 PU Nonlinear gain point 4, PU power (Pgv4). Typical value = 0.
pgv5 PU Nonlinear gain point 5, PU power (Pgv5). Typical value = 0.
pgv6 PU Nonlinear gain point 6, PU power (Pgv6). Typical value = 0.
pmax PU Maximum gate opening, PU of MWbase (Pmax) (> GovHydro3.pmin). Typical value = 1.
pmin PU Minimum gate opening, PU of MWbase (Pmin) (< GovHydro3.pmax). Typical value = 0.
qnl PU No-load turbine flow at nominal head (Qnl). Typical value = 0,08.
relec PU Steady-state droop, PU, for electrical power feedback (Relec). Typical value = 0,05.
rgate PU Steady-state droop, PU, for governor output feedback (Rgate). Typical value = 0.
td Seconds Input filter time constant (Td) (>= 0). Typical value = 0,05.
tf Seconds Washout time constant (Tf) (>= 0). Typical value = 0,1.
tp Seconds Gate servo time constant (Tp) (>= 0). Typical value = 0,05.
tt Seconds Power feedback time constant (Tt) (>= 0). Typical value = 0,2.
tw Seconds Water inertia time constant (Tw) (>= 0). If = 0, block is bypassed. Typical value = 1.
velcl Float Maximum gate closing velocity (Velcl). Unit = PU / s. Typical value = -0,2.
velop Float Maximum gate opening velocity (Velop). Unit = PU / s. Typical value = 0,2.


Inherits from

Descendant classes

  • No descendant classes

Leaf/Root class

IsLeaf IsRoot
False False

