Class Description

Woodward™ gas turbine governor.
[Footnote: Woodward gas turbines are an example of suitable products available commercially. This information is given for the convenience of users of this document and does not constitute an endorsement by IEC of these products.]


Name Type Description
a Float Valve positioner (A).
af1 PU Exhaust temperature parameter (Af1).
af2 PU Coefficient equal to 0,5(1-speed) (Af2).
b Float Valve positioner (B).
bf1 PU (Bf1). Bf1 = E(1-w) where E (speed sensitivity coefficient) is 0,55 to 0,65 x Tr.
bf2 PU Turbine torque coefficient Khhv (depends on heating value of fuel stream in combustion chamber) (Bf2).
c Float Valve positioner (C).
cf2 PU Coefficient defining fuel flow where power output is 0 % (Cf2). Synchronous but no output. Typically 0,23 x Khhv (23 % fuel flow).
ecr Seconds Combustion reaction time delay (Ecr) (>= 0).
etd Seconds Turbine and exhaust delay (Etd) (>= 0).
k3 PU Ratio of fuel adjustment (K3).
k4 PU Gain of radiation shield (K4).
k5 PU Gain of radiation shield (K5).
k6 PU Minimum fuel flow (K6).
kd PU Drop governor gain (Kd).
kdroop PU (Kdroop) (>= 0).
kf PU Fuel system feedback (Kf).
ki PU Isochronous Governor Gain (Ki).
kp PU PID proportional gain (Kp).
mwbase ActivePower Base for power values (MWbase) (> 0). Unit = MW.
t Seconds Fuel control time constant (T) (>= 0).
t3 Seconds Radiation shield time constant (T3) (>= 0).
t4 Seconds Thermocouple time constant (T4) (>= 0).
t5 Seconds Temperature control time constant (T5) (>= 0).
tc Temperature Temperature control (Tc).
tcd Seconds Compressor discharge time constant (Tcd) (>= 0).
td Seconds Power transducer time constant (Td) (>= 0).
tf Seconds Fuel system time constant (Tf) (>= 0).
tmax PU Maximum Turbine limit (Tmax) (> GovGASTWD.tmin).
tmin PU Minimum turbine limit (Tmin) (< GovGASTWD.tmax).
tr Temperature Rated temperature (Tr).
trate ActivePower Turbine rating (Trate). Unit = MW.
tt Seconds Temperature controller integration rate (Tt) (>= 0).


Inherits from

Descendant classes

  • No descendant classes

Leaf/Root class

IsLeaf IsRoot
False False

