Class Description

Synchronous machine detailed modelling types are defined by the combination of the attributes SynchronousMachineTimeConstantReactance.modelType and SynchronousMachineTimeConstantReactance.rotorType.
Parameter details:

  1. The “p” in the time-related attribute names is a substitution for a “prime” in the usual parameter notation, e.g. tpdo refers to T'do.
  2. The parameters used for models expressed in time constant reactance form include:
- RotatingMachine.ratedS (MVAbase); - RotatingMachineDynamics.damping (D); - RotatingMachineDynamics.inertia (H); - RotatingMachineDynamics.saturationFactor (S1); - RotatingMachineDynamics.saturationFactor120 (S12); - RotatingMachineDynamics.statorLeakageReactance (Xl); - RotatingMachineDynamics.statorResistance (Rs); - SynchronousMachineTimeConstantReactance.ks (Ks); - SynchronousMachineDetailed.saturationFactorQAxis (S1q); - SynchronousMachineDetailed.saturationFactor120QAxis (S12q); - SynchronousMachineDetailed.efdBaseRatio; - SynchronousMachineDetailed.ifdBaseType; - .xDirectSync (Xd); - .xDirectTrans (X'd); - .xDirectSubtrans (X''d); - .xQuadSync (Xq); - .xQuadTrans (X'q); - .xQuadSubtrans (X''q); - .tpdo (T'do); - .tppdo (T''do); - .tpqo (T'qo); - .tppqo (T''qo); - .tc.


Name Type Description
ks Float Saturation loading correction factor (Ks) (>= 0). Used only by type J model. Typical value = 0.
modelType SynchronousMachineModelKind Type of synchronous machine model used in dynamic simulation applications.
rotorType RotorKind Type of rotor on physical machine.
tc Seconds Damping time constant for “Canay” reactance (>= 0). Typical value = 0.
tpdo Seconds Direct-axis transient rotor time constant (T’do) (> SynchronousMachineTimeConstantReactance.tppdo). Typical value = 5.
tppdo Seconds Direct-axis subtransient rotor time constant (T'‘do) (> 0). Typical value = 0,03.
tppqo Seconds Quadrature-axis subtransient rotor time constant (T'‘qo) (> 0). Typical value = 0,03.
tpqo Seconds Quadrature-axis transient rotor time constant (T’qo) (> SynchronousMachineTimeConstantReactance.tppqo). Typical value = 0,5.
xDirectSubtrans PU Direct-axis subtransient reactance (unsaturated) (X'’d) (> RotatingMachineDynamics.statorLeakageReactance). Typical value = 0,2.
xDirectSync PU Direct-axis synchronous reactance (Xd) (>= SynchronousMachineTimeConstantReactance.xDirectTrans). The quotient of a sustained value of that AC component of armature voltage that is produced by the total direct-axis flux due to direct-axis armature current and the value of the AC component of this current, the machine running at rated speed. Typical value = 1,8.
xDirectTrans PU Direct-axis transient reactance (unsaturated) (X’d) (>= SynchronousMachineTimeConstantReactance.xDirectSubtrans). Typical value = 0,5.
xQuadSubtrans PU Quadrature-axis subtransient reactance (X'‘q) (> RotatingMachineDynamics.statorLeakageReactance). Typical value = 0,2.
xQuadSync PU Quadrature-axis synchronous reactance (Xq) (>= SynchronousMachineTimeConstantReactance.xQuadTrans).
The ratio of the component of reactive armature voltage, due to the quadrature-axis component of armature current, to this component of current, under steady state conditions and at rated frequency. Typical value = 1,6.
xQuadTrans PU Quadrature-axis transient reactance (X’q) (>= SynchronousMachineTimeConstantReactance.xQuadSubtrans). Typical value = 0,3.


Inherits from

Descendant classes

  • No descendant classes

Leaf/Root class

IsLeaf IsRoot
False False

