Class Description

Types of input signals. In dynamics modelling, commonly represented by the j parameter.


Name Type Description
rotorSpeed Input signal is rotor or shaft speed (angular frequency).
rotorAngularFrequencyDeviation Input signal is rotor or shaft angular frequency deviation.
busFrequency Input signal is bus voltage frequency. This could be a terminal frequency or remote frequency.
busFrequencyDeviation Input signal is deviation of bus voltage frequency. This could be a terminal frequency deviation or remote frequency deviation.
generatorElectricalPower Input signal is generator electrical power on rated S.
generatorAcceleratingPower Input signal is generator accelerating power.
busVoltage Input signal is bus voltage. This could be a terminal voltage or remote voltage.
busVoltageDerivative Input signal is derivative of bus voltage. This could be a terminal voltage derivative or remote voltage derivative.
branchCurrent Input signal is amplitude of remote branch current.
fieldCurrent Input signal is generator field current.
generatorMechanicalPower Input signal is generator mechanical power.


Inherits from

  • None

Descendant classes

  • No descendant classes

Leaf/Root class

IsLeaf IsRoot
False False

