Class Description

Different from LimIEEEOEL, LimOEL2 has a fixed pickup threshold and reduces the excitation set-point by means of a non-windup integral regulator.
Irated is the rated machine excitation current (calculated from nameplate conditions: Vnom, Pnom, CosPhinom).


Name Type Description
ifdlim PU Limit value of rated field current (IFDLIM). Typical value = 1,05.
koi PU Gain Over excitation limiter (KOI). Typical value = 0,1.
voimax PU Maximum error signal (VOIMAX) (> OverexcLim2.voimin). Typical value = 0.
voimin PU Minimum error signal (VOIMIN) (< OverexcLim2.voimax). Typical value = -9999.


Inherits from

Descendant classes

  • No descendant classes

Leaf/Root class

IsLeaf IsRoot
False False

