Class Description

General purpose rotating excitation system. This model can be used to represent a wide range of excitation systems whose DC power source is an AC or DC generator. It encompasses IEEE type AC1, AC2, DC1, and DC2 excitation system models.


Name Type Description
e1 PU Field voltage value 1 (E1). Typical value = 3.
e2 PU Field voltage value 2 (E2). Typical value = 4.
fbf ExcREXSFeedbackSignalKind Rate feedback signal flag (fbf). Typical value = fieldCurrent.
flimf PU Limit type flag (Flimf). Typical value = 0.
kc PU Rectifier regulation factor (Kc). Typical value = 0,05.
kd PU Exciter regulation factor (Kd). Typical value = 2.
ke PU Exciter field proportional constant (Ke). Typical value = 1.
kefd PU Field voltage feedback gain (Kefd). Typical value = 0.
kf Seconds Rate feedback gain (Kf) (>= 0). Typical value = 0,05.
kh PU Field voltage controller feedback gain (Kh). Typical value = 0.
kii PU Field current regulator integral gain (Kii). Typical value = 0.
kip PU Field current regulator proportional gain (Kip). Typical value = 1.
ks PU Coefficient to allow different usage of the model-speed coefficient (Ks). Typical value = 0.
kvi PU Voltage regulator integral gain (Kvi). Typical value = 0.
kvp PU Voltage regulator proportional gain (Kvp). Typical value = 2800.
kvphz PU V/Hz limiter gain (Kvphz). Typical value = 0.
nvphz PU Pickup speed of V/Hz limiter (Nvphz). Typical value = 0.
se1 PU Saturation factor at E1 (Se1). Typical value = 0,0001.
se2 PU Saturation factor at E2 (Se2). Typical value = 0,001.
ta Seconds Voltage regulator time constant (Ta) (>= 0). If = 0, block is bypassed. Typical value = 0,01.
tb1 Seconds Lag time constant (Tb1) (>= 0). If = 0, block is bypassed. Typical value = 0.
tb2 Seconds Lag time constant (Tb2) (>= 0). If = 0, block is bypassed. Typical value = 0.
tc1 Seconds Lead time constant (Tc1) (>= 0). Typical value = 0.
tc2 Seconds Lead time constant (Tc2) (>= 0). Typical value = 0.
te Seconds Exciter field time constant (Te) (> 0). Typical value = 1,2.
tf Seconds Rate feedback time constant (Tf) (>= 0). If = 0, the feedback path is not used. Typical value = 1.
tf1 Seconds Feedback lead time constant (Tf1) (>= 0). Typical value = 0.
tf2 Seconds Feedback lag time constant (Tf2) (>= 0). If = 0, block is bypassed. Typical value = 0.
tp Seconds Field current bridge time constant (Tp) (>= 0). Typical value = 0.
vcmax PU Maximum compounding voltage (Vcmax). Typical value = 0.
vfmax PU Maximum exciter field current (Vfmax) (> ExcREXS.vfmin). Typical value = 47.
vfmin PU Minimum exciter field current (Vfmin) (< ExcREXS.vfmax). Typical value = -20.
vimax PU Voltage regulator input limit (Vimax). Typical value = 0,1.
vrmax PU Maximum controller output (Vrmax) (> ExcREXS.vrmin). Typical value = 47.
vrmin PU Minimum controller output (Vrmin) (< ExcREXS.vrmax). Typical value = -20.
xc PU Exciter compounding reactance (Xc). Typical value = 0.


Inherits from

Descendant classes

  • No descendant classes

Leaf/Root class

IsLeaf IsRoot
False False

