Class Description

Pressurized water reactor used as a steam supply to a steam turbine.


Name Type Description
coreNeutronicsHT PU Core neutronics and heat transfer.
feedbackFactor PU Feedback factor.
hotLegLagTC PU Hot leg lag time constant.
hotLegSteamGain PU Hot leg steam gain.
hotLegToColdLegGain PU Hot leg to cold leg gain.
pressureCG PU Pressure control gain.
steamFlowFG PU Steam flow feedback gain.
steamPressureDropLagTC PU Steam pressure drop lag time constant.
steamPressureFG PU Steam pressure feedback gain.
throttlePressureFactor PU Throttle pressure factor.
throttlePressureSP PU Throttle pressure setpoint.
coldLegFBLagTC PU Cold leg feedback lag time constant.
coldLegFBLeadTC1 PU Cold leg feedback lead time constant.
coldLegFBLeadTC2 PU Cold leg feedback lead time constant.
coldLegFG1 PU Cold leg feedback gain 1.
coldLegFG2 PU Cold leg feedback gain 2.
coldLegLagTC PU Cold leg lag time constant.
coreHTLagTC1 PU Core heat transfer lag time constant.
coreHTLagTC2 PU Core heat transfer lag time constant.
coreNeutronicsEffTC PU Core neutronics effective time constant.


Inherits from

Descendant classes

  • No descendant classes

Leaf/Root class

IsLeaf IsRoot
False False

