Class Description

Fossil fuelled boiler (e.g., coal, oil, gas).


Name Type Description
auxPowerVersusFrequency PU Off nominal frequency effect on auxiliary real power. Per unit active power variation versus per unit frequency variation.
auxPowerVersusVoltage PU Off nominal voltage effect on auxiliary real power. Per unit active power variation versus per unit voltage variation.
boilerControlMode BoilerControlMode The control mode of the boiler.
controlErrorBiasP Float Active power error bias ratio.
controlIC Float Integral constant.
controlPC Float Proportional constant.
controlPEB Float Pressure error bias ratio.
controlPED PU Pressure error deadband.
controlTC Float Time constant.
feedWaterIG Float Feedwater integral gain ratio.
feedWaterPG Float Feedwater proportional gain ratio.
feedWaterTC Seconds Feedwater time constant ratio.
fuelDemandLimit PU Fuel demand limit.
fuelSupplyDelay Seconds Fuel delay.
fuelSupplyTC Seconds Fuel supply time constant.
maxErrorRateP Float Active power maximum error rate limit.
mechPowerSensorLag Seconds Mechanical power sensor lag.
minErrorRateP Float Active power minimum error rate limit.
pressureCtrlDG Float Pressure control derivative gain ratio.
pressureCtrlIG Float Pressure control integral gain ratio.
pressureCtrlPG Float Pressure control proportional gain ratio.
pressureFeedback Integer Pressure feedback indicator.
superHeater1Capacity Float Drum/primary superheater capacity.
superHeater2Capacity Float Secondary superheater capacity.
superHeaterPipePD Float Superheater pipe pressure drop constant.
throttlePressureSP PU Throttle pressure setpoint.


Inherits from

Descendant classes

Leaf/Root class

IsLeaf IsRoot
False False

