Class Description

The class represents equivalent branches. In cases where a transformer phase shift is modelled and the EquivalentBranch is spanning the same nodes, the impedance quantities for the EquivalentBranch shall consider the needed phase shift.


Name Type Description
negativeX12 Reactance Negative sequence series reactance from terminal sequence 1 to terminal sequence 2. Used for short circuit data exchange according to IEC 60909.
Usage : EquivalentBranch is a result of network reduction prior to the data exchange.
negativeX21 Reactance Negative sequence series reactance from terminal sequence 2 to terminal sequence 1. Used for short circuit data exchange according to IEC 60909.
Usage: EquivalentBranch is a result of network reduction prior to the data exchange.
positiveR12 Resistance Positive sequence series resistance from terminal sequence 1 to terminal sequence 2 . Used for short circuit data exchange according to IEC 60909.
EquivalentBranch is a result of network reduction prior to the data exchange.
positiveR21 Resistance Positive sequence series resistance from terminal sequence 2 to terminal sequence 1. Used for short circuit data exchange according to IEC 60909.
EquivalentBranch is a result of network reduction prior to the data exchange.
positiveX12 Reactance Positive sequence series reactance from terminal sequence 1 to terminal sequence 2. Used for short circuit data exchange according to IEC 60909.
Usage : EquivalentBranch is a result of network reduction prior to the data exchange.
positiveX21 Reactance Positive sequence series reactance from terminal sequence 2 to terminal sequence 1. Used for short circuit data exchange according to IEC 60909.
Usage : EquivalentBranch is a result of network reduction prior to the data exchange.
r Resistance Positive sequence series resistance of the reduced branch.
r21 Resistance Resistance from terminal sequence 2 to terminal sequence 1 .Used for steady state power flow. This attribute is optional and represent unbalanced network such as off-nominal phase shifter. If only EquivalentBranch.r is given, then EquivalentBranch.r21 is assumed equal to EquivalentBranch.r.
Usage rule : EquivalentBranch is a result of network reduction prior to the data exchange.
x Reactance Positive sequence series reactance of the reduced branch.
x21 Reactance Reactance from terminal sequence 2 to terminal sequence 1. Used for steady state power flow. This attribute is optional and represents an unbalanced network such as off-nominal phase shifter. If only EquivalentBranch.x is given, then EquivalentBranch.x21 is assumed equal to EquivalentBranch.x.
Usage rule: EquivalentBranch is a result of network reduction prior to the data exchange.
zeroR12 Resistance Zero sequence series resistance from terminal sequence 1 to terminal sequence 2. Used for short circuit data exchange according to IEC 60909.
EquivalentBranch is a result of network reduction prior to the data exchange.
zeroR21 Resistance Zero sequence series resistance from terminal sequence 2 to terminal sequence 1. Used for short circuit data exchange according to IEC 60909.
Usage : EquivalentBranch is a result of network reduction prior to the data exchange.
zeroX12 Reactance Zero sequence series reactance from terminal sequence 1 to terminal sequence 2. Used for short circuit data exchange according to IEC 60909.
Usage : EquivalentBranch is a result of network reduction prior to the data exchange.
zeroX21 Reactance Zero sequence series reactance from terminal sequence 2 to terminal sequence 1. Used for short circuit data exchange according to IEC 60909.
Usage : EquivalentBranch is a result of network reduction prior to the data exchange.
negativeR12 Resistance Negative sequence series resistance from terminal sequence 1 to terminal sequence 2. Used for short circuit data exchange according to IEC 60909.
EquivalentBranch is a result of network reduction prior to the data exchange.
negativeR21 Resistance Negative sequence series resistance from terminal sequence 2 to terminal sequence 1. Used for short circuit data exchange according to IEC 60909.
EquivalentBranch is a result of network reduction prior to the data exchange.


Inherits from

Descendant classes

  • No descendant classes

Leaf/Root class

IsLeaf IsRoot
False False

