Class Description

Breaker components and problem areas which can be the focus of a repair work task.


Name Type Description
checkValve Check valve repair.
closeCoil Close coil repair.
contactor Contactor repair.
controlCircuit Control circuit repair.
corrosion Corrosion repair.
gasDensitySupervision Gas density supervision repair.
heaterOrThermostat Heater or thermostat repair.
hydraulicFluidLeak Hydraulic fluid leak repair.
interrupterAssembly Interrupter assembly repair.
positionIndicator Position indicator repair.
pressureSwitch Pressure switch repair.
pumpOrMotor Pump or motor repair.
relay Relay repair.
SF6GasLeak SF6 gas leak repair.
storedEnergySystem Stored energy system repair.
tripCoil Trip coil repair.
airCompressor Air compressor repair.
auxiliarySwitchAndLinkage Auxiliary switch and linkage repair.
busConnection Bus connection repair.
tripControlValve Trip control valve repair.
wiring Wiring repair.
other Other type of repair.


Inherits from

  • None

Descendant classes

  • No descendant classes

Leaf/Root class

IsLeaf IsRoot
False False

