Class Description

Interharmonics are represented as a rational number ‘numerator’ / ‘denominator’, and harmonics are represented using the same mechanism and identified by ‘denominator’=1.


Name Type Description
denominator Integer Interharmonic denominator. Value 0 means not applicable. Value 2 is used in combination with ‘numerator’=1 to represent interharmonic 1/2. Finally, value 1 indicates the harmonic of the order specified with ‘numerator’.
numerator Integer Interharmonic numerator. Value 0 means not applicable. Value 1 is used in combination with ‘denominator’=2 to represent interharmonic 1/2, and with ‘denominator’=1 it represents fundamental frequency. Finally, values greater than 1 indicate the harmonic of that order (e.g., ‘numerator’=5 is the fifth harmonic).


Inherits from

  • None

Descendant classes

  • No descendant classes

Leaf/Root class

IsLeaf IsRoot
False False

