Class Description

Kind of randomisation to be applied to control the timing of end device control commands and/or the definition of demand response and load control events. Value other than ‘none’ is typically used to mitigate potential deleterious effects of simultaneous operation of multiple devices.


Name Type Description
start Start time of an event or control action affecting one or more multiple devices is randomised.
end End time of an event or control action affecting one or more devices is randomised to prevent simultaneous operation.
startAndEnd Both the start time and the end time of an event or control action affecting one or more devices are randomised to prevent simultaneous operation.
default Randomisation of start and/or end times involving the operation of one or more devices is controlled by default settings for the device(s).
none Neither the start time nor the end time of an event or control action affecting one or more devices is randomised.


Inherits from

  • None

Descendant classes

  • No descendant classes

Leaf/Root class

IsLeaf IsRoot
False False

