Class Description

Kind of end device function.


Name Type Description
reverseFlow Detection and monitoring of reverse flow.
demandResponse Demand response functions.
metrology Presentation of metered values to a user or another system (always a function of a meter, but might not be supported by a load control unit).
outageHistory Reporting historical power interruption data.
relaysProgramming Support for one or more relays that may be programmable in the meter (and tied to TOU, time pulse, load control or other functions).
onRequestRead On-request reads.
autonomousDst Autonomous application of daylight saving time (DST).
electricMetering Electricity metering.
gasMetering Gas metering.
waterMetering Water metering.


Inherits from

  • None

Descendant classes

  • No descendant classes

Leaf/Root class

IsLeaf IsRoot
False False

