Class Description

Kind of commodity being measured.


Name Type Description
none Not Applicable
electricitySecondaryMetered All types of metered quantities. This type of reading comes from the meter and represents a “secondary” metered value.
electricityPrimaryMetered It is possible for a meter to be outfitted with an external VT and/or CT. The meter might not be aware of these devices, and the display not compensate for their presence. Ultimately, when these scalars are applied, the value that represents the service value is called the “primary metered” value. The “index” in sub-category 3 mirrors those of sub-category 0.
communication A measurement of the communication infrastructure itself.
insulativeGas (SF6 is found separately below.)
potableWater Drinkable water
steam Water in steam form, usually used for heating.
wasteWater (Sewerage)
heatingFluid This fluid is likely in liquid form. It is not necessarily water or water based. The warm fluid returns cooler than when it was sent. The heat conveyed may be metered.
coolingFluid The cool fluid returns warmer than when it was sent. The heat conveyed may be metered.
nonpotableWater Reclaimed water – possibly used for irrigation but not sufficiently treated to be considered safe for drinking.
nox Nitrous Oxides NOX
so2 Sulfur Dioxide SO2
ch4 Methane CH4
co2 Carbon Dioxide CO2
hch Hexachlorocyclohexane HCH
pfc Perfluorocarbons PFC
sf6 Sulfurhexafluoride SF6
tvLicence Television
internet Internet service
refuse trash


Inherits from

  • None

Descendant classes

  • No descendant classes

Leaf/Root class

IsLeaf IsRoot
False False

