Class Description

Lifecycle states of the metering installation at a usage point with respect to readiness for billing via advanced metering infrastructure reads.


Name Type Description
enabled Usage point is equipped with an AMI capable meter having communications capability.
operable Usage point is equipped with an AMI capable meter that is functioning and communicating with the AMI network.
billingApproved Usage point is equipped with an operating AMI capable meter and accuracy has been certified for billing purposes.
nonAmi Usage point is equipped with a non AMI capable meter.
amiDisabled Usage point is equipped with an AMI capable meter; however, the AMI functionality has been disabled or is not being used.
amiCapable Usage point is equipped with an AMI capable meter that is not yet currently equipped with a communications module.
nonMetered Usage point is not currently equipped with a meter.


Inherits from

  • None

Descendant classes

  • No descendant classes

Leaf/Root class

IsLeaf IsRoot
False False

