Class Description

Pricing can be based on power quality.


Name Type Description
emergencyHighVoltLimit Voltage Emergency high voltage limit.
emergencyLowVoltLimit Voltage Emergency low voltage limit.
normalHighVoltLimit Voltage Normal high voltage limit.
normalLowVoltLimit Voltage Normal low voltage limit.
powerFactorMin Float Threshold minimum power factor for this PricingStructure, specified in instances where a special charge is levied if the actual power factor for a Service falls below the value specified here.
valueUninterruptedServiceEnergy CostPerEnergyUnit Value of uninterrupted service (Cost per energy).
valueUninterruptedServiceP Float Value of uninterrupted service (Cost per active power).
voltImbalanceViolCost Float Voltage imbalance violation cost (Cost per unit Voltage).
voltLimitViolCost Float Voltage limit violation cost (Cost per unit Voltage).


Inherits from

Descendant classes

  • No descendant classes

Leaf/Root class

IsLeaf IsRoot
False False

