Class Description

Type of hazard that is posed to asset in this location.
Note: This enumeration provides essential information to asset health analytics. The existing list is a starting point and is anticipated to be fleshed out further as requirements are better understood (PAB 2016/01/09).


Name Type Description
ambientTempBelowMinus12 Subject to ambient temperature of below -12 °C.
ambientTempAbove38 Subject to ambient temperature above 38 °C.
vegetation Vegetation growing below asset that may cause problem.
childrenAtPlay Children play in area (stray kite/ball hazard).
fishingArea Fishing in area (fishing pole/line hazard).
other If other, look at type field for more information.


Inherits from

  • None

Descendant classes

  • No descendant classes

Leaf/Root class

IsLeaf IsRoot
False False

