Class Description

Analogs representing oil fluid test analysis result.


Name Type Description
specificGravity Specific gravity corrected to 15°C. Also known as relative density. It is a ratio of density of tested oil to density of water at a specific temperature.
density Density (in gram/millilitre).
firePoint Fire point (in °C). Fire point is when fire is sustained (oil catches fire). Can only be done by means of open cup test, which is commonly used in US.
flashPointOpenCup Flash point (in °C) determined via open cup test. Flash point occurs when enough vapors have accumulated to sustain a flash. Open cup is used in US.
flashPointClosedCup Flash point (in °C) determined via closed cup test. Flash point occurs when enough vapors have accumulated to sustain a flash. Closed cup is used in Europe.
pourPoint Pour point (in °C). The pour point of a liquid is the temperature at which it becomes semi solid and loses its flow characteristics.
pourPointAutomatic Pour point (in °C) determined by automatic method. The pour point of a liquid is the temperature at which it becomes semi solid and loses its flow characteristics.
kinematicViscosity Kinematic viscosity (in millimetre2/second). Kinematic viscosity is the ratio of - absolute (or dynamic) viscosity to density.
staticElectrification Static electrification tendency (in microcoulombs per metre3). Also called static charging tendency and electrostatic charging tendency (ECT).
resistivity Resistivity at 90°C (in gigohm-metre).
passivatorContent Total passivator content (in milligram/kilogram).
passivatorIrgamet39 Irgamet 39 metal passivator content (in ppm, specifically milligram/kilogram).
passivatorTTA Metal passivator TTA (Irgamet39 in solid form) content (in milligram/kilogram).
passivatorBTA Metal passivator BTA content (in milligram/kilogram).
sedimentAndSludgePercent Sediment and sludge (in percent).
carbonyl Concentration of carbonyl compounds (aldehydes and ketones) determined using infrared spectroscopy (in percent).
aromatics Concentration of aromatic compounds determined using infrared spectroscopy (in percent).
oxidation Measure of oxidation stability (in hours).
sludge Sludge (in percent by mass). Typically performed on new oil,but can be done on used oil.
solubleAcids Soluble acids (in milligram of KOH/gram). Typically performed on new oil,but can be done on used oil.
volatileAcids Volatile acids (in milligram of KOH/gram). Typically performed on new oil,but can be done on used oil.
totalAcids Total acids (soluble plus volatile) (in milligram of KOH/gram). Typically performed on new oil,but can be done on used oil.
inductionTime Oxidation induction time (in hours). Typically performed on new oil,but can be done on used oil.
inhibitor61125MethodC Amount of inhibitor used in oxidation stablity test performed according to IEC 61125, method C. This value should accompany values resulting from testing according to IEC 61125, method C to allow interpretation.
duration61125MethodC Duration of oxidation stablity test performed according to IEC 61125, method C. This value should accompany values resulting from testing according to IEC 61125, method C to allow interpretation. Standard specified values are: 164, 332, and 500, but others can be used if agreed upon.
petroleumOrigin Characterization of the carbon-type composition of insulating oils by petroleum origin.
acidNumber Acid neutralization number (in milligram of KOH/gram).
interfacialTension Interfacial tension (in dyne/centimetre or milliNewton/metre, which are the same).
dielectricBreakdown Dielectric breakdown, for electrode gap size and temperature specified by selected standard (in kV).
powerFactorPercent Fluid power factor at specified temperature (in percent). Commonly used in US. (Note: Fluid power factor is very similar to fluid dissapation factor, but fluid power factor is cosine of the phase angle between an AC voltage applied to oil and the resulting current (where dissipation factor is the tangent). For values up to 0.005, fluid power factor and dissapation factor are very close. There is a conversion equation between the two).
dissipationFactor Fluid dissipation factor in absolute value, not a percentage. (Multiplying this value by 100 would result in dissipation factor percent).
dissipationFactorPercent Fluid dissipation factor (in percent). Commonly used in Asia. Dissipation factor is also known as loss factor or tan delta.
oxidationInhibitorDBP 2,6-ditertiary-butyl phenol (DBP) oxidation inhibitor concentration (in percent by weight).
oxidationInhibitorDBPC 2,6-ditertiarybutyl para-cresol (DBPC) oxidation inhibitor concentration (in percent by weight).
oxidationInhibitorD2668 2,6-ditertiary-butyl para-cresol and 2,6-ditertiary-butyl phenol concentration (in percent by weight).
additiveDBDS Dibenzyl disulfide (DBDS) concentration (in ppm, specificially in milligram/kilogram).


Inherits from

  • None

Descendant classes

  • No descendant classes

Leaf/Root class

IsLeaf IsRoot
False False

