Class Description

Kind of wire insulation.


Name Type Description
asbestosAndVarnishedCambric Asbestos and varnished cambric wire insulation.
butyl Butyl wire insulation.
ethylenePropyleneRubber Ethylene propylene rubber wire insulation.
highMolecularWeightPolyethylene High nolecular weight polyethylene wire insulation.
treeResistantHighMolecularWeightPolyethylene Tree resistant high molecular weight polyethylene wire insulation.
lowCapacitanceRubber Low capacitance rubber wire insulation.
oilPaper Oil paper wire insulation.
ozoneResistantRubber Ozone resistant rubber wire insulation.
beltedPilc Belted pilc wire insulation.
unbeltedPilc Unbelted pilc wire insulation.
rubber Rubber wire insulation.
siliconRubber Silicon rubber wire insulation.
varnishedCambricCloth Varnished cambric cloth wire insulation.
varnishedDacronGlass Varnished dacron glass wire insulation.
crosslinkedPolyethylene Crosslinked polyethylene wire insulation.
treeRetardantCrosslinkedPolyethylene Tree retardant crosslinked polyethylene wire insulation.
highPressureFluidFilled High pressure fluid filled wire insulation.
other Other kind of wire insulation.


Inherits from

  • None

Descendant classes

  • No descendant classes

Leaf/Root class

IsLeaf IsRoot
False False

