Class Description
Tap changer data.
Name | Type | Description |
bil | Voltage | Basic Insulation Level (BIL) expressed as the impulse crest voltage of a nominal wave, typically 1.2 X 50 microsecond. This is a measure of the ability of the insulation to withstand very high voltage surges. |
ctRating | CurrentFlow | Built-in current transformer primary rating. |
ctRatio | Float | Built-in current transducer ratio. |
frequency | Frequency | Frequency at which the ratings apply. |
highStep | Integer | Highest possible tap step position, advance from neutral. |
isTcul | Boolean | Whether this tap changer has under load tap changing capabilities. |
lowStep | Integer | Lowest possible tap step position, retard from neutral. |
neutralStep | Integer | The neutral tap step position for the winding. |
neutralU | Voltage | Voltage at which the winding operates at the neutral tap setting. |
ptRatio | Float | Built-in voltage transducer ratio. |
ratedApparentPower | ApparentPower | Rated apparent power. |
ratedCurrent | CurrentFlow | Rated current. |
ratedVoltage | Voltage | Rated voltage. |
stepPhaseIncrement | AngleDegrees | Phase shift per step position. |
stepVoltageIncrement | PerCent | Tap step increment, in per cent of rated voltage, per step position. |
Inherits from
Descendant classes
- No descendant classes
Leaf/Root class
IsLeaf | IsRoot |
False | False |