Class Description

Tap changer data.


Name Type Description
bil Voltage Basic Insulation Level (BIL) expressed as the impulse crest voltage of a nominal wave, typically 1.2 X 50 microsecond. This is a measure of the ability of the insulation to withstand very high voltage surges.
ctRating CurrentFlow Built-in current transformer primary rating.
ctRatio Float Built-in current transducer ratio.
frequency Frequency Frequency at which the ratings apply.
highStep Integer Highest possible tap step position, advance from neutral.
isTcul Boolean Whether this tap changer has under load tap changing capabilities.
lowStep Integer Lowest possible tap step position, retard from neutral.
neutralStep Integer The neutral tap step position for the winding.
neutralU Voltage Voltage at which the winding operates at the neutral tap setting.
ptRatio Float Built-in voltage transducer ratio.
ratedApparentPower ApparentPower Rated apparent power.
ratedCurrent CurrentFlow Rated current.
ratedVoltage Voltage Rated voltage.
stepPhaseIncrement AngleDegrees Phase shift per step position.
stepVoltageIncrement PerCent Tap step increment, in per cent of rated voltage, per step position.


Inherits from

Descendant classes

  • No descendant classes

Leaf/Root class

IsLeaf IsRoot
False False

