Class Description

Cable data.


Name Type Description
constructionKind CableConstructionKind Kind of construction of this cable.
diameterOverCore Length Diameter over the core, including any semi-con screen; should be the insulating layer’s inside diameter.
diameterOverInsulation Length Diameter over the insulating layer, excluding outer screen.
diameterOverJacket Length Diameter over the outermost jacketing layer.
diameterOverScreen Length Diameter over the outer screen; should be the shield’s inside diameter.
isStrandFill Boolean True if wire strands are extruded in a way to fill the voids in the cable.
nominalTemperature Temperature Maximum nominal design operating temperature.
outerJacketKind CableOuterJacketKind Kind of outer jacket of this cable.
sheathAsNeutral Boolean True if sheath / shield is used as a neutral (i.e., bonded).
shieldMaterial CableShieldMaterialKind Material of the shield.


Inherits from

Descendant classes

Leaf/Root class

IsLeaf IsRoot
False False

