Class Description

Bushing datasheet information.


Name Type Description
c1Capacitance Capacitance Factory measured capacitance, measured between the power factor tap and the bushing conductor.
c1PowerFactor PerCent Factory measured insulation power factor, measured between the power factor tap and the bushing conductor.
c2Capacitance Capacitance Factory measured capacitance measured between the power factor tap and ground.
c2PowerFactor PerCent Factory measured insulation power factor, measured between the power factor tap and ground.
insulationKind BushingInsulationKind Kind of insulation.
ratedCurrent CurrentFlow Rated current for bushing as installed.
ratedImpulseWithstandVoltage Voltage Rated impulse withstand voltage, also known as BIL (Basic Impulse Level).
ratedLineToGroundVoltage Voltage Rated line-to-ground voltage. Also referred to as Uy on bushing nameplate.
ratedVoltage Voltage Rated voltage. Can be referred to as Um, system voltage or class on bushing nameplate.


Inherits from

Descendant classes

  • No descendant classes

Leaf/Root class

IsLeaf IsRoot
False False

